Training Information


Training Designed to Empower

Note: Due to COVID-19 all trainings will be held virtually until further notice.


An Overview of the Types of Training We Provide

ANA Webinar Series

The Eastern Region T/TA Center is one of four Regional Centers that hosts ANA’s Webinar Series on a variety of topics to assist your community’s development goals.  

Project Planning & Development (PPD) Training

Click here for the 2020 PPD Virtual Training videos.

In this 3-day training, participants will learn how to:

  • •      Work with community and key partners to identify and document specific community problems that stand in the way of meeting community goals;
  • •      Create a project work plan to address those problems and attain community goals;
  • •      Develop measurable outcomes and impacts to the community; and
  • •      Determine the level of resources and funding needed to implement the project.

Pre-Application Training

In this 3-day virtual training, participants will learn how to:

  • •      Understand the ANA Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) Evaluation Criteria;
  • •      Format, package, structure and submit a funding application; and
  • •      Register and apply on

Post Award Training

This training is held exclusively for new ANA grant recipients.  In this 2-day training, participants will learn how to:

  • •      Read a Notice of Award (NOA);
  • •      Complete and submit the required quarterly reports (Objective Progress Report and SF-425);
  • •      Utilize; and
  • •      Submit a timely non-competing grant continuation application and requests for non-routine grant amendments.


NOTE: Participation in the training sessions are limited to individuals who are employed by or are governing officials of Tribal governments and Native nonprofit organizations serving American Indians, Native Hawaiians, Alaskan Natives, and Native American Pacific Islanders. Independent grant writers must provide a signed letter on organization stationary with their registration form in order to attend.