Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance

Technical Assistance to Suit Your Needs

Electronic Technical Assistance (ETA) is available for:

  • •      Unsuccessful Applicants who want to improve their application for the next funding cycle.
  • •      Planning & Project Development questions such as assistance formulating project ideas and planning.
  • •      Pre-Application ETA – individualized assistance to prospective ANA applicants through phone, email or fax.  For a review of your application before you submit it to ANA, applicants must have completed at least 75% of their proposed ANA application. 
  • •      Current Grantees requesting assistance with GrantSolutions, grant amendments, reporting, or project implementation.


If you would like to request technical assistance, please fill out the form below, call us at (888) 221-9686, or email us at

Technical Assistance Request Form

  • Please enter your question or a brief description of assistance needed. If you are requesting a full review of your ANA application, please include a date when you think your application will be 75% complete.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.