2021 Pre-Application Training Videos

2021 Pre-Application

Training Videos


Check out our Pre-Application Training videos.  Each video reviews the different topics that were covered in our virtual Pre-Application Training sessions.  In addition to these training videos, you can download a copy of the 2021 Pre-Application Training Manual and 2021 Application Toolkit to further assist you with your ANA application.


If you have any problems with the videos, please contact Quannee Oosahwe, Outreach and Technical Assistance Specialist, at qoosahwe@mn-e.com.

ANA FRAMEWORK – PART 1: Part 1 of the ANA Project Framework training video will go over the Long-Term Community Goal and the Current Community Condition.

ANA FRAMEWORK – PART 2: Part 2 of the ANA Project Framework training video will go over the remaining Framework components which include Project Goal, Objectives, Outputs, and Outcomes and Indicators.

OUTCOME TRACKER AND OUTCOME TRACKING STRATEGY: The Outcome Tracker aligns information from the Project Framework with a means for measurement and annual targets for achievement. The Outcome Tracking Strategy is a narrative which describes the processes, tools, and staff that will be used to collect, analyze, and store project related data. This video will provide an overview of the information that should be included in the ANA Outcome Tracker and Outcome Tracking Strategy.

OBJECTIVE WORK PLAN (OWP): The Objective Work Plan (OWP) is the blueprint of the project and mirrors the project’s implementation plan and identifies all the key elements of the project description. This video will provide an overview of the elements addressing the OWP.

COMMUNITY-BASED STRATEGY: This video will provide an overview of the evaluation criteria addressing Community-Based Strategy.  Applicants will learn how to summarize how their project is designed around community-based priorities, describe their connection to their communities, and they intend to keep the communities updated on the project.

READINESS AND IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY – PART 1: This video will review the first three elements of the ANA Readiness and Implementation Strategy subcriterion which covers identifying resources needed for your project and describing how milestone activities will be completed.

READINESS AND IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY – PART 2: This video will review the last three elements of the ANA Readiness and Implementation Strategy subcriterion. These elements cover project recruitment, sustainability, and obstacles and challenges.

LANGUAGE READINESS AND IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY: ANA Native language projects have additional elements regarding the preservation and sharing of materials under the Readiness and Implementation subcriterion.  EMI has an additional element regarding parental/guardian engagement.  This video will review these additional language elements.

ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY: This video will provide an overview of the evaluation criteria for Organizational Capacity. Applicants should be able to demonstrate they have the expertise, credentials, and infrastructure to oversee Federal funds, partners, and the delivery of project objectives.

BUDGET AND BUDGET JUSTIFICATION: This video will provide an overview of the evaluation criteria for the Budget and Budget Justification criteria. Applicants should be able to demonstrate that their application includes adequate resources to carry out the proposed activities while ensuring that the proposed costs are reasonable based on the geographical location of the applicant.

PROJECT SUMMARY/ABSTRACT AND GOVERNING BODY DOCUMENTATION: The Project Summary/Abstract and Governing Body Documentation are two requirements that are needed in addition to your project narrative. This video will review each of these requirements.

EMI LANGUAGE CRITERIA: To apply for ANA’s Esther Martinez Immersion (EMI) funding, applicants must submit a Language Survival School or Language Nest certification. This video will review ANA’s requirements of submitting that certification.

BONUS POINTS: This video will review the bonus points SEDS applicants may earn in one of two priority areas: Legislative Economic Development and Native American Community Priority.