2020 PPD Training Videos

Project Planning and

Development Training



In November and December 2020, the Eastern Region Training and Technical Assistance Center held four virtual sessions of the Project Planning and Development (PPD) Training.  The six videos below cover the main topics of the PPD training.  To accompany the training videos, you can download a copy of the 2020 PPD Training Manual and the 2020 PPD Toolkit for added reference.


If you have any problems with the videos, please contact Quannee Oosahwe, Outreach and Technical Assistance Specialist, at qoosahwe@mn-e.com.

COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT: Community-based planning can be used for any project that works to improve a community. This training will introduce you to building your knowledge and skills to engage the community in the community development and project planning processes.

ANA FRAMEWORK: This video will discuss the ANA Framework. The Framework refers to grant writing terms such as Long-Term Community Goal, Current Condition Statement, Project Goal, Objectives, Outcomes, and their logical connections to build a sustainable project.

EVALUATION PLAN: A project evaluation measures the effectiveness and efficiency of a project and determines the achievement level of project objectives. This video will look at evaluation planning specific to ANA requirements which is necessary to measure how well the project goal is accomplished and addresses the current condition statement.

RESOURCES AND PARTNERSHIPS: Identifying resources and partnerships needed for your project is an important step in the project planning process. This video will discuss the importance of assessing resources and forming strong partnerships for your ANA project.

ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITY: Organizational capacity is a critical component of project implementation. You must be able to demonstrate that your tribe or nonprofit organization and any staff involved have the capacity to successfully carry out the project. This video will discuss the types of organizational capacity you will need to implement your ANA project.

BUDGET: This video will help you understand and develop the different categories that make up the Line-Item Budget and Budget Justification for your ANA project.